It all started with a serious case of adventure ache.
adventure ache + adam + laura + dog + van = good times - van + sailboat = …
Graphic Designer
1/2 Lhasa Apso 1/2 Jack Russel + Poodle
We live in Scotland on land and at sea on a 31 ft. sailboat named Yellow Matilda. But before that, we traveled in a van.
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‘My greatest fear is that my desktop screen saver will be more exciting than my life.’
Watch Laura’s Pecha Kucha Talk
‘adventure ache’
1. An urge to travel, experience new things.
2. A feeling of fear or excitement in the pit of your stomach at the prospect of embracing uncertainty.
3 . The act of scrolling through online photos and longing to be in them.
‘This Instagram profile is giving me a serious case of adventure ache.’
‘They are gripped by adventure ache and firmly believe the world is their oyster.’
Wanderlust, unsettled, itchy feet, restlessness.
Stagnant, bored, latency, discontentment, dead.
Jackpine Theory
The Jackpine is a tree native to North America, although it will grow almost anywhere in the world. It is resilient. It has a basic form, yes, but grows to any shape that suits the light, suits the winds, suits itself.